Wednesday, May 2, 2012


This past weekend for a day me and 3 friends from the program went to Meteora. After 5 hours of traveling, we finally arrived. Our hotel was this charming little home with an amazing view of the cliffs. We only had until 4pm to see 3 monasteries, so we started the day early around 8am and began our hike. The weather was beautiful. Not a single cloud in the sky and the sun was really beating down on us hard. After about an hour and a half of hiking up little paths filled with spiders and snakes we made it. The view from the top was absolutely worth the hike and minor freak outs at the insects. 

 Ashley, one of my roommates, and I on the porch of a monastery

 Skulls of previous monks who had lived in that monastery...kinda gross/cool?

View from the bottom!

I only have 1 more day of class before finals week. I can't believe how quickly the semester went. I still remember sitting in my room the first time I started this blog! 
I only have 1 exam and the rest of my finals are papers. It's getting very difficult to stay motivated. The weather here is in the mid-80's and sun everyday. The last thing I want to be doing is sitting in my room writing papers! 

Next Saturday I go to Mykonos for a few days. Then, Charlyne gets in on the 16th and we'll spend 6 days in Corfu. Can't wait for my last 2 trips in Greece before heading to Paris for a few days!