Wednesday, May 2, 2012


This past weekend for a day me and 3 friends from the program went to Meteora. After 5 hours of traveling, we finally arrived. Our hotel was this charming little home with an amazing view of the cliffs. We only had until 4pm to see 3 monasteries, so we started the day early around 8am and began our hike. The weather was beautiful. Not a single cloud in the sky and the sun was really beating down on us hard. After about an hour and a half of hiking up little paths filled with spiders and snakes we made it. The view from the top was absolutely worth the hike and minor freak outs at the insects. 

 Ashley, one of my roommates, and I on the porch of a monastery

 Skulls of previous monks who had lived in that monastery...kinda gross/cool?

View from the bottom!

I only have 1 more day of class before finals week. I can't believe how quickly the semester went. I still remember sitting in my room the first time I started this blog! 
I only have 1 exam and the rest of my finals are papers. It's getting very difficult to stay motivated. The weather here is in the mid-80's and sun everyday. The last thing I want to be doing is sitting in my room writing papers! 

Next Saturday I go to Mykonos for a few days. Then, Charlyne gets in on the 16th and we'll spend 6 days in Corfu. Can't wait for my last 2 trips in Greece before heading to Paris for a few days! 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hydra, Poros & Aegina

Yesterday, my dad and I took a day-cruise to 3 islands off the cost of Greece. It was probably one of the top 5 days I've had since in Greece. The islands were so pretty and the weather was perfect (finally spring is here!). Poros was my favorite island. It's boardwalk was much longer than the other two and it was along a bay rather than a normal coast. We didn't have much time at each of the islands which was the only major downfall, so we really only had time to walk along the boardwalk and do a little shopping or get ice cream. Enjoy the pictures!


 Such a windy day!

 Arriving at Poros


Monday, April 23, 2012


This past weekend I was in Cyprus with my dad. I honestly had little knowledge on Cyprus so I went on this trip with not really knowing what to expect. Cyprus as a whole was a really pretty island with a lot to offer - archaeological sites, beaches, the mountains and lots of little villages. We rented a car (which by the way, turns out in Cyprus you drive on the left side of the road) and would visit a different town each day. On our last day we spent the day at Nissi Beach in Ayia Naya. It had the clearest water I have ever seen, it was beautiful!
On Wednesday we'll be taking a day cruise to Hydra, Aegina and Peros - 3 islands near the coast of Athens. I've heard Hydra is absolutly stunning so I'm really excited to go visit.

Board walk at Lafkara

 Small village in the mountains called Kato Lafkara

 Mosaics at Ancient Kourion


 Aphrodite's birthplace

 At sunset

 Another small village in the mountains named Omodos

 Standing at the port in Ayia Napa

 Dad and I walking to the sand dune at Nissi Beach


Beautiful water

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The pizza, pasta & gelato diet

Yesterday afternoon I got back from spending 10 days traveling throughout Italy. It was overall a really great trip...minus all the rain that poured down on us on almost everyday :(. The trip started off in Venice. Since there really isn't much to do in Venice, we walked around a lot and simply sat by the water enjoying the view. The one big attraction of Venice is St. Marks Basilica, which we were actually able to get seats for Easter morning mass. It was conducted in Italian so I really had no idea what was being said, but it was an experience I won't ever forget. Sorry St. John Newman, Venice beats you on that one!
Next stop was Florence, which I think was my favorite city that we visited. It was simply a very charming town, and the bridges were too much to handle - so cute! Here we got rained on every single day. I'd be lying if I said walking around wasn't a little bit miserable, constantly having to hold my umbrella and praying my camera won't get water damage kind of sucks. The Uffizi Museum is world-known for their renaissance paintings. I must admit that I freaked out a little when I saw Botticelli's The Birth of Venus. I can't even begin to explain how crazy it is to see some of these paintings in person after learning about them for 3 years in my Classical Greece classes. The feeling you get when finally seeing one of these paintings is really amazing. After spending about 3 hours in this museum we decided to go climb to the top of the Duomo. After climbing roughly 500 feet we arrived to the top and were greeted with rain. The view was still beautiful and we stayed up there for about a half hour admiring the view. The next day we decided to wait in the extremely long line to see THE David by Michelangelo. It was literally the only thing in the museum worth seeing, but it was still super cool. I would have loved to have stayed an extra day in Florence, but I guess that means I'll just have to return again someday!
Our last major stop was Rome. We of course did all of the very touristy stuff. My favorite part of the trip was the tour we got of the Vatican. We saw the Vatican Museum, the Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica. The tour guide was really good and it was a great tour. Of course it was raining in Rome as well except for part of the last day that we were there. While I was most excited to visit Rome, it was the city that I was less impressed by. Besides all of the beyond amazing structures and architectural sites, I was not blown away by Rome. I still had Florence on my mind!
We had half a day in Milan before we had to leave to return home to Athens. Milan impressed me more than I thought it would. We visited the Duomo there and that was really all we had time to do. The city overall was very clean, polite and of course quite posh. After all, it is the birthplace of Prada!
By the end of the trip I could not believe how much I missed Athens. I was itching to get back to my roommates (last night we had a big family dinner sharing stories of our spring break experiences). I truly feel at home here and absolutely am in love with Athens. It will especially be nice not to eat pizza or pasta again for a while. I had both dishes everyday for 10 days straight, and while it was so so yummy I did get a little sick of it!


 Florence! View from Michelangelo's Piazza
 On top of the Duomo
 Celebrating the hour that we got of no rain
 A surprisingly sunny day in Rome. In front of the Altare della Patria, also known as the Wedding Cake building

 The Pantheon! My favorite building in Rome

 Trevi Fountain

 The Colosseum!

 The Sistine Chapel...and a very very illegal photo

 Outside St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican

 The Colosseum at sunset

 The Duomo in Milan

Canolli in Milan! SO GOOD 

My dad gets into Athens tomorrow and Thursday we are off to Cyprus for the weekend. I'm excited to have more visitors and show him the city and where I have been living for the past 3 months! Except photo's of Cyprus sometime next weekend! 

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Family Visit - Part 1

My mom, Adrien and Meghan came to visit me this past week. It was truly an amazing week and many memories were made. We spent last weekend in Santorini - literally heaven on earth. We spend most of our days walking around the small towns of Fira and Oia and relaxing on our balcony overlooking the sea. Words cannot describe how relaxing and beautiful Santorini is. I already know that i'll have to go back someday.
The rest of the week we spent in Athens. We did a lot of the touristy stuff - the Acropolis, the Acropolis Museum, the ancient Agora, the National Archaeological Museum, and we climbed up the Lycabettus hill. We also spent a day in Delphi. It takes 3 hours by bus to get there but it was definitely worth it. It's placed high up in the mountains and the views are incredible. I miss them all already but it's crazy to think that in 2 months i'll be back home in St.Charles!

I leave for Italy Friday for my spring break. I'll be there for 10 days visiting Milan, Venice, Florence, Pisa and Rome! I CANNOT wait to fully experience Italy (and eat pizza, pasta and gelato of course)!

Enjoy the pictures :)