Thursday, January 26, 2012

The last 48 hours

It's official - in 48 hours I will be sitting on a plane. These next 48 hours will be filled with packing, eating what I won't be able to eat in Greece (aka Portillos) and more packing. I'm only allowed to bring 2 suitcases with me and I can already tell from the clothes lying on my floor that that may be nearly impossible. 
It's hard to describe how i'm feeling about leaving. Part of me cannot wait to get out of Chicago and experience Athens, yet I know that Saturday morning when I have to say goodbye to my sisters and my mom (and Buster) I will be one hot mess. Thank god Meg, Adrien and my mom will be in Athens visiting me in 2 months! 
Time to finish this time i'll check in is when I finally arrive!!

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