Monday, January 30, 2012

Welcome to Athens...

I arrived in Athens yesterday early afternoon, and I can already tell these next 4 months will be amazing. I have 4 other roommates - 2 from Washington state, 1 from Missouri and 1 from New Jersey. They are all super cool and friendly, we joke around and spend all our time together. Having them makes it so much easier to get used to being so far from home.
This week we have orientation and Feb. 6 classes start. On Thursday afternoon we are leaving for Nafplio, a coastal city. We are returning Saturday around 6pm. I'm really excited to go on my first trip! I'll be sure to upload pictures this weekend after we return.
Today we went grocery shopping for the first time. We didn't have much time so we only bought the essentials such as wine. And salami and Greek yogurt. Later this afternoon we have our first Greek language class. I'm a little nervous since I know not a single word of Greek but i'll be in a class for beginners. Hopefully i'll learn the essentials quickly.

Below are some pictures of my room and the apartment. Enjoy!!

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