Sunday, February 5, 2012

Weekend Trip to Nafplion

Thursday to Saturday February 4 I was in Nafplion, a small coastal city in the Peloponnese. It's a fairly short drive from Athens, so many Athenians come to this city during the weekends over the summer months. On our first day, we climbed up to the top of the Palamidi. The views here were magnificent. We spent several hours just walking around and exploring everything that the 17th c. castle had to offer. Once we descended back to the ground, we got gelato (the first of the two times that day, so good!!)and just walked around. There was a small stone path that was right next to the water and we spent the rest of the day walking around there. The next day we only had a few hours before we had to leave. We took a short boat ride to Bourtzi, a castle on a small island in Nafplion. It was really cool doing that, i'm glad I woke up extra early to fit it in!

Having my first trip while abroad was very exciting. This weekend really made me look forward to everywhere that I want to visit until May. We have a 4 day weekend at the very end of February and i'm hoping that I will be able to go to Turkey - the number one place I want to go while abroad!

Classes will be starting tomorrow, very bittersweet. I will be taking Greek, the Aegean in prehistory, Greek philosophy, Athens archaeology on site and Greek society. I think all of my classes will be very interesting, I just hope I won't have too much homework :)

Below are some pictures from this weekend. Cross your fingers that classes go over well tomorrow!!

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