Wednesday, February 29, 2012


This past weekend I traveled to Istanbul. I knew it would be much different than the other European countries I've been to, but I ended up falling in love with the city. The mosque's were absolutely breathtaking. Ever since I took an Art History course my freshman year at UofI I had been dreaming of seeing Hagia Sophia. Luckily for me, this dream has been reached! This weekend was also the first time staying at a hostel. Everyone there was super friendly and welcoming. Plus, you meet the most incredible and fascinating people. There was this one 28 year old man, who decided to quit his job for a year or two and travel. Turkey was his 40th country!!! I've realized just how important traveling. How can you truly appreciate where you're from if you don't explore and learn about other cultures and cities? I would love to take a year off after grad school and travel...time to start saving up now!
During our trip we saw all the major mosques, the Basilica Cistern, Topkapi, visited a hookah bar, did a Turkish bath, the Grand Bazaar (so dangerous for wallets!) and lots of eating and exploring. All of these were really great.
I had been warned by several people that since Turkey is a Muslim country I may be taken aback from their culture. However, the only major difference that I noticed was how few women were outside. It was usually men walking around or out to dinner. The people at our hostel said Istanbul was a liberal city in Turkey, so the more east we would go the more Muslim it would appear.
Overall, I loved this city and had a great first experience in Turkey. Hopefully i'll get the chance to go back one day!
 Jen, Kat and I
 Turkish Delight, so good!!
 The Grand Bazaar

 At Hagia Sophia

 The Basilica Cistern
 The Blue Mosque
Outside Hagia Sophia

Off to Naples and Pompeii this's a little tiring being a world traveler!! :)

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