Friday, March 9, 2012

Herculaneum & Pompeii

It is official: Italian pizza is the greatest thing in the entire world. That is the only thing I ate while in Naples this past weekend. Thankfully I'll be in Italy for my spring break, which only means more pizza!!
I had a quick weekend trip to Naples, Italy where I visited Herculaneum and Pompeii, two cities that had been affected in the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius on August 24, 79. It was definitely a little eerie to be walking around these cities knowing how they tragically came to an end.
I had always wanted to visit Pompeii after learning it early on in my history classes. Herculaneum was also really great. It is smaller than Pompeii, but it is better persevered than Pompeii. It was overall an amazing trip.
There isn't much to say about these cities, so enjoy the photos!  


 Young boy trying to cover his nose/mouth

 Original famous Alexander the Great so so cool!!

Teeth and skull from a body...ew!

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