Sunday, February 19, 2012

Everyday life...

I have already been in Athens for 3 weeks, and I can't believe how fast it's going! I'm going on week 3 of classes, which in general are really great. My favorite class is my Greek philosophy class. The professor is this adorable old man who really knows how to capture the class's attention and make the most difficult concepts seem understandable.
On Friday for my Athens on Site class we went to Marathon, an old silver mine where children slaves used to work, the first Greek theater and to the Temple of Poseidon. My favorite was the Temple of Poseidon. It was at the very top of a hill that overlooked the water, it was stunning.
A lot of demonstrations/riots have been taking place in Athens. Thankfully, Pangrati (the neighborhood of Athens that I'm living in) is about 20 minutes away from where the riots take place. Unfortunately, the Acropolis shuts down when the riots take place, so I'm still waiting to officially go see it. :(


 First Greek theater

 Old silver mine where slave children would work

 Temple of Poseidon!

Friday I leave for Turkey for the weekend and am beyond excited...I'll be sure to post lots of pictures when I get back!! 

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